In press
Palmer Droguett DH, Fletcher M, Alston BT, Kocher SD, Cabral-de-Mello DC & Wright AE (in press) Neo-sex chromosome evolution in treehoppers despite long-term X chromosome conservation. Genome Biology & Evolution
Price PD, Parkus SM & Wright AE (2023) Recent progress in understanding the genomic architecture of sexual conflict. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 80: 102047
Smith J, Alfieri JM, Anthony N, Arensburger P, Athrey GN, Balacco J, Balic A, Bardou P, Barela P, Bigot Y, Blackmon H, Borodin PM, Carroll R, Casono MC, Charles M, Cheng H, Chiodi M, Cigan L, Coghill LM, Crooijmans R, Das N, Davey S, Davidian A, Degalez F, Dekkers JM, Derks M, Diack AB, Djikeng A, Drechsler Y, Dyomin A, Fedrigo O, Fiddaman SR, Formenti G, Frantz LAF, Fulton JE, Gaginskaya E, Galkina S, Gallardo RA, Geibel J, Gheyas A, Godinez CJP, Goodell A, Graves JAM, Griffin DK, Haase B, Han J-L, Hanotte O, Henderson LJ, Hou Z-C, Howe K, Huynh L, Ilatsia E, Jarvis E, Johnson SM, Kaufman J, Kelly T, Kemp S, Kern C, Keroack JH, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S, Lamont SJ, Lange M, Lanke A, Larkin DM, Larson G, Layos JKN, Lebrasseur O, Malinovskaya LP, Martin RJ, Martin Cerezo ML, Mason AS, McCarthy FM, McGrew MJ, Mountcastle J, Muhonja CK, Muir W, Muret K, Murphy T, Ng’ang’a I, Nishibori M, O’Connor RE, Ogugo M, Okimoto R, Ouko O, Patel HR, Perini F, Pigozzi MI, Potter KC, Price PD, Reimer C, Rice ES, Rocos N, Rogers TF, Saelao P, Schauer J, Schnabel R, Schneider V, Simianer H, Smith A, Stevens MP, Stiers K, Tiambo CK, Tixier-Boichard M, Torgasheva AA, Tracey A, Tregaskes CA, Vervelde L, Wang Y, Warren WC, Waters PD, Webb D, Weigend S, Wolc A, Wright AE, Wright D, Wu Z, Yamagata M, Yang C, Yin Z-T, Young M, Zhang G, Zhao B & Zhou H (2023) Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 162:405–527
Price PD, Palmer DH, Taylor JA, Kim DW, Place ES, Rogers TF, Mank JE, Cooney CR & Wright AE (2022) Reply to Fraser: Existing methods are effective at measuring natural selection on gene expression. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1838-1839
Price PD, Palmer DH, Taylor JA, Kim DW, Place ES, Rogers TF, Mank JE, Cooney CR & Wright AE (2022) Detecting signatures of selection in gene expression. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1035-1045
Darolti I, Almeida P, Wright AE & Mank JE (2022) Comparison of methodological approaches to the study of young sex chromosomes: A case study in Poecilia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:1646-1658
Lin Y, Darolti I, Furman BLS, Almeida P, Sandkam BA, Breden F, Wright AE & Mank JE (2022) Gene duplication to the Y chromosome in Trinidadian Guppies. Molecular Ecology 31(6):1853-1863
CR Cooney, Mank JE & Wright AE (2021) Constraint and divergence in the evolution of male and female recombination rates in fishes. Evolution 75:2857-2866
Rogers TF, Pizzari T & Wright AE (2021) Multi-copy gene family evolution on the avian W chromosome. Journal of Heredity 112(3): 250-259
Rogers TF, Palmer DH & Wright AE (2021) Sex-specific selection drives the evolution of alternative splicing in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 519-530
Grayson P, Wright AE, Garroway C & Docker M (2021). SexFindR: A computational workflow to identify young and old sex chromosomes. bioRxiv
Shearn R, Wright AE, Mousset S, Régis C, Penel S, Lemaitre J-F, Douay G, Crouau-Roy B, Lecompte E & Marais GAB (2020) Evolutionary stasis of the pseudoautosomal boundary in strepsirrhine primates. eLife 9:e63650
CR Cooney, C Sheard, AD Clark, SD Healy, A Liker, SE Street, CA Troisi, GH Thomas, T Szekely, N Hemmings* & Wright AE* (2020) Ecology and allometry predict the evolution of avian developmental durations. Nature Communications. 11: 2383 (*Joint senior authors).
-Behind the Paper: Developing ideas about development
-Media coverage in The Guardian
-Editor's Highlight
Darolti I, Wright AE & Mank JE (2020) Guppy Y chromosome integrity maintained by incomplete recombination suppression. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12: 965-977.
Furman BLS, Metzger DCH, Darolti I, Wright AE, Sandkam B, Almeida P, Shu JJ & Mank JE (2020) Sex chromosome evolution: so many exceptions to the rules. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12: 750-763.
Mank JE, Shu JJ & Wright AE (2020) Signature of sexual conflict is actually conflict resolved. Molecular Ecology. 29: 215-217.
Palmer DH, Rogers TF, Dean R & Wright AE (2019) How to identify sex chromosomes and their turnover. Molecular Ecology. 28: 4709– 4724.
Darolti I, Wright AE, Sandkam BA, Morris J, Bloch NI, Farré M, Fuller RC, Bourne GR Larkin DM, Breden F and Mank JE (2019) Extreme heterogeneity in sex chromosome differentiation and dosage compensation in livebearers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 116:19031-19036.
Wright AE, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Oostra V, Sandkam B, Buechel SD, Kolm N, Breden F, Vicoso B and Mank JE (2019) On the power to detect rare recombination events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 116:12607-12608.
Wright AE, Rogers TF, Fumagalli M, Cooney CR & Mank JE (2019). Phenotypic sexual dimorphism associated with genomic signatures of resolved sexual conflict. Molecular Ecology. 28:2860–2871.
Fox E, Wright AE, Fumagalli M & Vieira FG (2019) ngsLD: evaluating linkage disequilibrium using genotype likelihoods. Bioinformatics. 35(19):3855-3856
Wright AE, Fumagalli M, Cooney CR, Bloch NI, Vieira FG, Buechel SD, Kolm N and Mank JE (2018). Male-biased gene expression resolves sexual conflict through the evolution of sex-specific genetic architecture. Evolution Letters. 2: 52-61.
-Evolution Letters Blog
-Editors' top 10 pick
Darolti I, Wright AE, Pucholt P, Berlin S and Mank JE (2018) Slow evolution of sex-biased genes in the reproductive tissue of the dioecious plant S. viminalis. Molecular Ecology. 27:694–708
Morris J, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Wright AE and Mank JE (2018). Shared and species-specific patterns of nascent Y chromosome evolution in two guppy species. Genes. 9(5):238.
Wright AE, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Oostra V, Sandkam B, Buechel SD, Kolm N, Breden F, Vicoso B and Mank JE (2017) Convergent recombination suppression suggests a role of sexual conflict in guppy sex chromosome formation. Nature Communications. 8: 14251.
Pucholt P, Wright AE, Conze LL, Mank JE and Berlin S (2017) Recent sex chromosome divergence despite ancient dioecy in the willow Salix viminalis. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34(8): 1991-2001.
Dean R, Wright AE, Marsh-Rollo SE, Nugent BM, Alonzo SH and Mank JE (2017) Sperm competition shapes gene expression and sequence evolution in the ocellated wrasse. Molecular Ecology. 26: 505-518.
Wright AE, Dean R, Zimmer F and Mank JE (2016) How to make a sex chromosome. Nature Communications. 7: 12087.
Wright AE, Harrison PW, Zimmer F, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2015) Variation in promiscuity and sexual selection drives avian rate of Faster-Z evolution. Molecular Ecology. 24: 1218-1235.
Harrison PW, Wright AE, Zimmer F, Dean RF, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2015) Sexual selection drives evolution and rapid turnover of male gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 112 (14): 4393.
-F1000Prime recommended
Mullon C, Wright AE, Reuter M, Pomiankowski A and Mank JE (2015) Evolution of dosage compensation under sexual selection differs between X and Z chromosomes. Nature Communications. 6: 7720.
Wright AE, Zimmer F, Harrison PW and Mank JE (2015) Conservation of regional variation in sex-specific sex chromosome regulation. Genetics. 201: 587-598.
Dean R, Harrison PW, Wright AE, Zimmer F and Mank JE (2015) Positive selection underlies Faster-Z evolution of gene expression in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32: 2646-2656.
Thesis. Wright AE (2014) Mating system, sex-specific selection and the evolution of the avian sex chromosomes. DPhil Thesis.
Wright AE, Harrison PW, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2014) Independent stratum formation on the avian sex chromosomes reveals inter-chromosomal gene conversion and predominance of purifying selection on the W chromosome. Evolution. 68: 3281–3295.
-Winner 2015 SSE Presidents’ Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution
Wright AE and Mank JE (2013) The scope and strength of sex-specific selection in genome evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26 (9):1841-1853.
Pointer MA, Harrison PW, Wright AE and Mank JE (2013) Masculinization of gene expression is associated with exaggeration of male sexual dimorphism. PLoS Genetics. 9: e1003649.
Wright AE, Moghadam HK, and Mank JE (2012) Trade-off between selection for dosage compensation and masculinization on the avian Z chromosome. Genetics. 192:1433-1445.
Moghadam HK, Pointer MA, Wright AE, Berlin S and Mank JE. (2012) W chromosome expression responds to female-specific selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (21): 8207-8211.
-F1000Prime recommended
Wright AE and Mank JE (2012) Battle of the sexes: Conflict over dosage- sensitive genes and the origin of X chromosome inactivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (14): 5144-5145.
Harrison PW*, Wright AE*, and Mank JE (2012) The evolution of gene expression and the transcriptome-phenotype relationship. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 23: 222-229 (*Joint first authors).
Bonsall MB and Wright AE (2012) Altruism and the evolution of resource generalism and specialism. Ecology and Evolution. 2 (3): 515-524.
Palmer Droguett DH, Fletcher M, Alston BT, Kocher SD, Cabral-de-Mello DC & Wright AE (in press) Neo-sex chromosome evolution in treehoppers despite long-term X chromosome conservation. Genome Biology & Evolution
Price PD, Parkus SM & Wright AE (2023) Recent progress in understanding the genomic architecture of sexual conflict. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 80: 102047
Smith J, Alfieri JM, Anthony N, Arensburger P, Athrey GN, Balacco J, Balic A, Bardou P, Barela P, Bigot Y, Blackmon H, Borodin PM, Carroll R, Casono MC, Charles M, Cheng H, Chiodi M, Cigan L, Coghill LM, Crooijmans R, Das N, Davey S, Davidian A, Degalez F, Dekkers JM, Derks M, Diack AB, Djikeng A, Drechsler Y, Dyomin A, Fedrigo O, Fiddaman SR, Formenti G, Frantz LAF, Fulton JE, Gaginskaya E, Galkina S, Gallardo RA, Geibel J, Gheyas A, Godinez CJP, Goodell A, Graves JAM, Griffin DK, Haase B, Han J-L, Hanotte O, Henderson LJ, Hou Z-C, Howe K, Huynh L, Ilatsia E, Jarvis E, Johnson SM, Kaufman J, Kelly T, Kemp S, Kern C, Keroack JH, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S, Lamont SJ, Lange M, Lanke A, Larkin DM, Larson G, Layos JKN, Lebrasseur O, Malinovskaya LP, Martin RJ, Martin Cerezo ML, Mason AS, McCarthy FM, McGrew MJ, Mountcastle J, Muhonja CK, Muir W, Muret K, Murphy T, Ng’ang’a I, Nishibori M, O’Connor RE, Ogugo M, Okimoto R, Ouko O, Patel HR, Perini F, Pigozzi MI, Potter KC, Price PD, Reimer C, Rice ES, Rocos N, Rogers TF, Saelao P, Schauer J, Schnabel R, Schneider V, Simianer H, Smith A, Stevens MP, Stiers K, Tiambo CK, Tixier-Boichard M, Torgasheva AA, Tracey A, Tregaskes CA, Vervelde L, Wang Y, Warren WC, Waters PD, Webb D, Weigend S, Wolc A, Wright AE, Wright D, Wu Z, Yamagata M, Yang C, Yin Z-T, Young M, Zhang G, Zhao B & Zhou H (2023) Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 162:405–527
Price PD, Palmer DH, Taylor JA, Kim DW, Place ES, Rogers TF, Mank JE, Cooney CR & Wright AE (2022) Reply to Fraser: Existing methods are effective at measuring natural selection on gene expression. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1838-1839
Price PD, Palmer DH, Taylor JA, Kim DW, Place ES, Rogers TF, Mank JE, Cooney CR & Wright AE (2022) Detecting signatures of selection in gene expression. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:1035-1045
Darolti I, Almeida P, Wright AE & Mank JE (2022) Comparison of methodological approaches to the study of young sex chromosomes: A case study in Poecilia. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:1646-1658
Lin Y, Darolti I, Furman BLS, Almeida P, Sandkam BA, Breden F, Wright AE & Mank JE (2022) Gene duplication to the Y chromosome in Trinidadian Guppies. Molecular Ecology 31(6):1853-1863
CR Cooney, Mank JE & Wright AE (2021) Constraint and divergence in the evolution of male and female recombination rates in fishes. Evolution 75:2857-2866
Rogers TF, Pizzari T & Wright AE (2021) Multi-copy gene family evolution on the avian W chromosome. Journal of Heredity 112(3): 250-259
Rogers TF, Palmer DH & Wright AE (2021) Sex-specific selection drives the evolution of alternative splicing in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 519-530
Grayson P, Wright AE, Garroway C & Docker M (2021). SexFindR: A computational workflow to identify young and old sex chromosomes. bioRxiv
Shearn R, Wright AE, Mousset S, Régis C, Penel S, Lemaitre J-F, Douay G, Crouau-Roy B, Lecompte E & Marais GAB (2020) Evolutionary stasis of the pseudoautosomal boundary in strepsirrhine primates. eLife 9:e63650
CR Cooney, C Sheard, AD Clark, SD Healy, A Liker, SE Street, CA Troisi, GH Thomas, T Szekely, N Hemmings* & Wright AE* (2020) Ecology and allometry predict the evolution of avian developmental durations. Nature Communications. 11: 2383 (*Joint senior authors).
-Behind the Paper: Developing ideas about development
-Media coverage in The Guardian
-Editor's Highlight
Darolti I, Wright AE & Mank JE (2020) Guppy Y chromosome integrity maintained by incomplete recombination suppression. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12: 965-977.
Furman BLS, Metzger DCH, Darolti I, Wright AE, Sandkam B, Almeida P, Shu JJ & Mank JE (2020) Sex chromosome evolution: so many exceptions to the rules. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12: 750-763.
Mank JE, Shu JJ & Wright AE (2020) Signature of sexual conflict is actually conflict resolved. Molecular Ecology. 29: 215-217.
Palmer DH, Rogers TF, Dean R & Wright AE (2019) How to identify sex chromosomes and their turnover. Molecular Ecology. 28: 4709– 4724.
Darolti I, Wright AE, Sandkam BA, Morris J, Bloch NI, Farré M, Fuller RC, Bourne GR Larkin DM, Breden F and Mank JE (2019) Extreme heterogeneity in sex chromosome differentiation and dosage compensation in livebearers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 116:19031-19036.
Wright AE, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Oostra V, Sandkam B, Buechel SD, Kolm N, Breden F, Vicoso B and Mank JE (2019) On the power to detect rare recombination events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 116:12607-12608.
Wright AE, Rogers TF, Fumagalli M, Cooney CR & Mank JE (2019). Phenotypic sexual dimorphism associated with genomic signatures of resolved sexual conflict. Molecular Ecology. 28:2860–2871.
Fox E, Wright AE, Fumagalli M & Vieira FG (2019) ngsLD: evaluating linkage disequilibrium using genotype likelihoods. Bioinformatics. 35(19):3855-3856
Wright AE, Fumagalli M, Cooney CR, Bloch NI, Vieira FG, Buechel SD, Kolm N and Mank JE (2018). Male-biased gene expression resolves sexual conflict through the evolution of sex-specific genetic architecture. Evolution Letters. 2: 52-61.
-Evolution Letters Blog
-Editors' top 10 pick
Darolti I, Wright AE, Pucholt P, Berlin S and Mank JE (2018) Slow evolution of sex-biased genes in the reproductive tissue of the dioecious plant S. viminalis. Molecular Ecology. 27:694–708
Morris J, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Wright AE and Mank JE (2018). Shared and species-specific patterns of nascent Y chromosome evolution in two guppy species. Genes. 9(5):238.
Wright AE, Darolti I, Bloch NI, Oostra V, Sandkam B, Buechel SD, Kolm N, Breden F, Vicoso B and Mank JE (2017) Convergent recombination suppression suggests a role of sexual conflict in guppy sex chromosome formation. Nature Communications. 8: 14251.
Pucholt P, Wright AE, Conze LL, Mank JE and Berlin S (2017) Recent sex chromosome divergence despite ancient dioecy in the willow Salix viminalis. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34(8): 1991-2001.
Dean R, Wright AE, Marsh-Rollo SE, Nugent BM, Alonzo SH and Mank JE (2017) Sperm competition shapes gene expression and sequence evolution in the ocellated wrasse. Molecular Ecology. 26: 505-518.
Wright AE, Dean R, Zimmer F and Mank JE (2016) How to make a sex chromosome. Nature Communications. 7: 12087.
Wright AE, Harrison PW, Zimmer F, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2015) Variation in promiscuity and sexual selection drives avian rate of Faster-Z evolution. Molecular Ecology. 24: 1218-1235.
Harrison PW, Wright AE, Zimmer F, Dean RF, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2015) Sexual selection drives evolution and rapid turnover of male gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 112 (14): 4393.
-F1000Prime recommended
Mullon C, Wright AE, Reuter M, Pomiankowski A and Mank JE (2015) Evolution of dosage compensation under sexual selection differs between X and Z chromosomes. Nature Communications. 6: 7720.
Wright AE, Zimmer F, Harrison PW and Mank JE (2015) Conservation of regional variation in sex-specific sex chromosome regulation. Genetics. 201: 587-598.
Dean R, Harrison PW, Wright AE, Zimmer F and Mank JE (2015) Positive selection underlies Faster-Z evolution of gene expression in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32: 2646-2656.
Thesis. Wright AE (2014) Mating system, sex-specific selection and the evolution of the avian sex chromosomes. DPhil Thesis.
Wright AE, Harrison PW, Montgomery SH, Pointer MA and Mank JE (2014) Independent stratum formation on the avian sex chromosomes reveals inter-chromosomal gene conversion and predominance of purifying selection on the W chromosome. Evolution. 68: 3281–3295.
-Winner 2015 SSE Presidents’ Award for Outstanding Dissertation Paper in Evolution
Wright AE and Mank JE (2013) The scope and strength of sex-specific selection in genome evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26 (9):1841-1853.
Pointer MA, Harrison PW, Wright AE and Mank JE (2013) Masculinization of gene expression is associated with exaggeration of male sexual dimorphism. PLoS Genetics. 9: e1003649.
Wright AE, Moghadam HK, and Mank JE (2012) Trade-off between selection for dosage compensation and masculinization on the avian Z chromosome. Genetics. 192:1433-1445.
Moghadam HK, Pointer MA, Wright AE, Berlin S and Mank JE. (2012) W chromosome expression responds to female-specific selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (21): 8207-8211.
-F1000Prime recommended
Wright AE and Mank JE (2012) Battle of the sexes: Conflict over dosage- sensitive genes and the origin of X chromosome inactivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 109 (14): 5144-5145.
Harrison PW*, Wright AE*, and Mank JE (2012) The evolution of gene expression and the transcriptome-phenotype relationship. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 23: 222-229 (*Joint first authors).
Bonsall MB and Wright AE (2012) Altruism and the evolution of resource generalism and specialism. Ecology and Evolution. 2 (3): 515-524.